From our bases in New York, London and Munich, Rexon and its predecessor entities have been providing US companies with access to European capital markets since 1978. Our efforts are centered on the London capital market, where trusted Gatekeepers act for investors located worldwide, offering them the following attractions:
The UK’s centuries-old tradition of establishing trusted relationships between owners of capital, often located in far-flung parts of the world, and their representatives in London provides a straightforward path to the successful completion of debt and equity transactions. Access to the capital of a Russian oligarch or a Middle East ruling family, or an Asian industrialist is more likely to be achieved through their London Gatekeeper firms than from approaching them directly in their home countries. Some Gatekeepers have asset management units that directly invest clients’ money. Others act solely as advisors with relationships that offer privileged access to clients’ capital in return for the Gatekeeper’s efforts to select investment opportunities, undertake due diligence, and recommend investment terms and conditions.
The trusted investor/Gatekeeper relationship offers a wider capacity for risk assessment and risk taking compared with other financial markets. Most Gatekeeper firms pursue risk-taking strategies specialized by industry, depending on the expertise of the analysts on their staffs.